Perilaku Organisasi Stephen P Robbins

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Long chapters. But interesting. Hardest unit for this semester. But anyway am reviewing the book and it was great. It helped me a lot with my studies and the way the words written on it was very easy for memorizing and for understanding the points nd to get it more clear the definitions and the important points where written on the right side of the book in a simple way for us to study also because of the examples after each paragraph and the way the writer typed all t Long chapters. But interesting. Hardest unit for this semester.

But anyway am reviewing the book and it was great. Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 Fr Torrent. It helped me a lot with my studies and the way the words written on it was very easy for memorizing and for understanding the points nd to get it more clear the definitions and the important points where written on the right side of the book in a simple way for us to study also because of the examples after each paragraph and the way the writer typed all the information in this huge book everything is perfect nd i loved the unit.

Paper_kepemimpinan_status kepemimpinan.doc. Hanya mau memperhatikan pada komunikasi yang turun ke bawah. Robbins, Stephen P, ” Perilaku Organisasi” Penerbit Salemba Empat: Jakarta, 2008.

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