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What is 'Clash Royale Deck Builder'? After playing Clash of Clans for years and creating I wanted to move on to a new game that interested me but also had depth. Luckily, Supercell released Clash Royale and I got really into it. After playing for a little bit I realized the game was primarily about counters and synergies between cards.

In addition, having the right deck is both the enticement and bane of any player coming into the game. I had the worst time trying to find a good deck because knowing the cards and how they interacted with each other seemed like a bit of an uphill battle. I eventually came to understand that if I could get some data from the game and by giving it the parameters of what cards I have, I could see which competitive decks I could create. So even if I couldn't use a deck well enough, I'd know it was possible to get better and that the highest ranks in the game were achievable with the cards I was using. I created a tool for this as well as the ability to create your own Clash Royale Decks and share them with the community. Clash Royale Deck Builder got widly popular very, very quickly and now we have so many decks on the site and so many different variations. We can predict rarity of cards, the best counters to use vs a given deck and we can even give a preliminary audit for decks that you build.

The bottom line is Clash Royale Deck Builder makes you more informed and able to defeat your opponents. With video comments, the ability to create decks and see other people's added efforts, there's nothing holding you back from 4k trophies.

Clash Royale Deck Builder is a virtual treasure trove of awesomeness in giving you what you need in Clash Royale to become a better player. That being said, we have a lot of different places to go and you may need some assistance on how to use the site. That being said, let’s get into some questions to get you on your way.

Do you want a better deck but don’t know how to choose which cards? One of the cool things we do on Clash Royale Deck Builder is take a tally of which of the Clash Royale cards the competitive players use the most. This will give you some indication of what the most widely used Clash Royale cards are, at any given time.

So first off you’ll want to go to the page and evaluate what cards are currently popular. You’re going to want to filter for your arena level to ensure that you can actually obtain the Clash Royale cards at your level. Then take a look at what’s effective and then try to integrate those Clash Royale cards into your deck.

You have a few cards that you want to use but don’t know what other cards to choose? No problem, we got you covered. So you’re going to want to go into the page and update your inventory. Be accurate because the Clash Royale cards you choose here will determine some of our Clash Royale deck suggestions in a moment. Now that you’ve got your inventory filled out you’re going to want to go to.

The page will use the card inventory that you created on the page and suggest decks that the most competitive players in the world are using. The first thing you want to do is choose “Toggle Filters”.

Toggle filters will allow you to add certain mandatory Clash Royale cards to your deck suggestions. You’re going to want to add in some of the powerful Clash Royale cards you found on the page. Once you’ve added a few click “Filter”.

The site will then query the most competitive players in their game and look through their Clash Royale decks. We’ll match your requirements with any of the Clash Royale decks that have been added.

Once you’ve found a deck that you like you can view that deck to see if any other players have offered advice on how to play with that deck. I’ve got a deck I like to use but I’m not sure I’m using it very effectively. That’s no big deal.

The first place to start is each individual card in your Clash Royale deck. You want to do a little research into how to use your cards most effectively. So let’s go to page and click on a card your deck is using.

Now let’s look at this information for a little bit. Clash Royale cards are very counter-oriented, which means one card is very good at countering another card. So what we’ve done on each Clash Royale card page is detail out which cards a given card can counter against and which cards can defeat that card. Take for instance the Minion Horde: We can see quite clearly that the best counter for Minion Horde are arrows.

Which means most players like to use Arrows to counter/defeat the Minion Horde. We can also see that the Minion Horde’s is most used to counter the X Bow (presumably since the X Bow can’t shoot air units). You can also check out how popular the card is with the deck usage graph and see what balance changes have occurred to this card in the past.

This information helps us in determining some more intelligent counter options for each card. For the best results you’ll want to do a little research into each card in your deck.and then we research your chosen deck! So now that we’ve done a little research on each Clash Royale card in your deck we’re going to want to research your deck. Players come to the site and add decks all the time. Other players comment on those decks with text or videos. Some players can even write guides on a given Clash Royale deck to help other players learn how to use it. We want to tap into all of this information to make you a more educated player when using the deck of your choice.

So we’re going to want to go to the page. You’re going to want to select the cards in your deck and then click “SEARCH”. This will query the site to find the Master Deck and all other user-created decks that may have pertinent information and guides on your deck. You’re going to want to go into each deck that has guide information and read through it to see if you can get a better idea of what how other players are using that deck. In the event that no decks are found, you’re actually thinking of using a totally undiscovered deck! You’ll want to CREATE THIS DECK and get credit for it’s discovery. That’s pretty awesome!

Write up a guide and any information you feel has helped you progress with your deck and help other players, such as yourself. Your deck is awesome, top players use it and now I want to be more competitive! Well first off, congratulations on being a badass! Secondly, you’re going to want to put on your research hat again and look to TV Royale for advice. When viewing your Master Deck on the SEARCH A DECK page, you may see various TV Royale matches.

Now take a look at which competitive players use your deck. Look at how they perform against other decks. Does your deck usually lose to a Mortar deck? Does it commonly defeat decks with Golems in it?

How does it stand up to the other competitive players in the game. In addition, you’ll want to keep an eye out for the players you’ve found on TV Royale inside the Clash Royale app. They might be using your deck and you’ll probably get a good idea of how they play it if you watch a reply. Knowing how the best players in the world play your deck is key.

You’ll see little tricks on troop placement and Clash Royale card synergies. Watch as many videos as you can, soak up the most effective means of countering and attacking cards. You will soon be a global Clash Royale competitor!

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